Classify text (MRPC) with Albert¶
This tutorial contains complete code to fine-tune Albert to perform binary classification on (MRPC) dataset. In addition to training a model, you will learn how to preprocess text into an appropriate format.
In this notebook, you will:
Load the MRPC dataset from HuggingFace
Load Albert Model using tf-transformers
Build train and validation dataset (on the fly) feature preparation using tokenizer from tf-transformers.
Build your own model by combining Albert with a classifier
Train your own model, fine-tuning Albert as part of that
Save your model and use it to classify sentences
Use the end-to-end (preprocessing + inference) in production setup
If you’re new to working with the MNLI dataset, please see MRPC for more details.
!pip install tf-transformers
!pip install sentencepiece
!pip install tensorflow-text
!pip install transformers
!pip install wandb
!pip install datasets
import os
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' # Supper TF warnings
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_text as tf_text
import datasets
import wandb
print("Tensorflow version", tf.__version__)
print("Tensorflow text version", tf_text.__version__)
print("Devices", tf.config.list_physical_devices())
from tf_transformers.models import AlbertModel, Classification_Model, AlbertTokenizerTFText
from tf_transformers.core import Trainer
from tf_transformers.optimization import create_optimizer
from tf_transformers.losses.loss_wrapper import get_1d_classification_loss
Tensorflow version 2.7.0
Tensorflow text version 2.7.3
Devices [PhysicalDevice(name='/physical_device:CPU:0', device_type='CPU'), PhysicalDevice(name='/physical_device:GPU:0', device_type='GPU')]
Load Model, Optimizer , Trainer¶
Our Trainer expects model
, optimizer
and loss
to be a function.
# Load Model
def get_model(model_name, num_classes, is_training, use_dropout):
"""Get Model"""
def model_fn():
model = AlbertModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = Classification_Model(model, num_classes=num_classes, is_training=is_training, use_dropout=use_dropout)
return model.get_model()
return model_fn
# Load Optimizer
def get_optimizer(learning_rate, examples, batch_size, epochs, use_constant_lr=False):
"""Get optimizer"""
steps_per_epoch = int(examples / batch_size)
num_train_steps = steps_per_epoch * epochs
warmup_steps = int(0.1 * num_train_steps)
def optimizer_fn():
optimizer, learning_rate_fn = create_optimizer(learning_rate, num_train_steps, warmup_steps, use_constant_lr=use_constant_lr)
return optimizer
return optimizer_fn
# Load trainer
def get_trainer(distribution_strategy, num_gpus=0, tpu_address=None):
"""Get Trainer"""
trainer = Trainer(distribution_strategy, num_gpus=num_gpus, tpu_address=tpu_address)
return trainer
Prepare Data for Training¶
We will make use of Tensorflow Text
based tokenizer to do on-the-fly
preprocessing, without having any
overhead of pre prepapre the data in the form of pickle
, numpy
or tfrecords
# Load dataset
def load_dataset(dataset, tokenizer_layer, max_seq_len, batch_size, drop_remainder):
dataset; HuggingFace dataset
tokenizer_layer: tf-transformers tokenizer
max_seq_len: int (maximum sequence length of text)
batch_size: int (batch_size)
drop_remainder: bool (to drop remaining batch_size, when its uneven)
def parse(item):
input_ids = tokenizer_layer({'text': item['sentence1'] + ' ' + item['sentence2']})
# Truncate to max_seq_len-2 (2 is for CLS and SEP)
input_ids = input_ids[:, :max_seq_len-2]
# Add CLS and SEP
input_ids = tf_text.combine_segments(
[input_ids], start_of_sequence_id=tokenizer_layer.cls_token_id, end_of_segment_id=tokenizer_layer.sep_token_id
input_ids, input_mask = tf_text.pad_model_inputs(input_ids, max_seq_length=max_seq_len)
result = {}
result['input_ids'] = input_ids
result['input_mask'] = input_mask
result['input_type_ids'] = tf.zeros_like(input_ids)
labels = {}
labels['labels'] = tf.expand_dims(item['label'], 1)
return result, labels
tfds_dict = dataset.to_dict()
tfdataset =
tfdataset = tfdataset.batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=drop_remainder)
tfdataset =, num_parallel_calls
# Shard
options =
options.experimental_distribute.auto_shard_policy =
tfdataset = tfdataset.with_options(options)
return tfdataset
Prepare Dataset¶
Set necessay hyperparameters.
train dataset
,validation dataset
# Data configs
dataset_name = 'mrpc'
model_name = 'albert-base-v2'
max_seq_len = 128
batch_size = 8
# Model configs
learning_rate = 1e-5
epochs = 4
num_classes = 2
model_checkpoint_dir = 'MODELS/mrpc_albert_model'
# Load HF dataset
dataset = datasets.load_dataset('glue', dataset_name)
# Load tokenizer from tf-transformers
tokenizer_layer = AlbertTokenizerTFText.from_pretrained(model_name)
# Train Dataset
train_dataset = load_dataset(dataset['train'], tokenizer_layer, max_seq_len, batch_size, drop_remainder=True)
# Validation Dataset
validation_dataset = load_dataset(dataset['validation'], tokenizer_layer, max_seq_len, batch_size, drop_remainder=False)
# Total train examples
total_train_examples = dataset['train'].num_rows
steps_per_epoch = total_train_examples // batch_size
# model
model_fn = get_model(model_name, num_classes, is_training=True, use_dropout=True)
# optimizer
optimizer_fn = get_optimizer(learning_rate, total_train_examples, batch_size, epochs)
# trainer
trainer = get_trainer(distribution_strategy='mirrored', num_gpus=1)
# loss
loss_fn = get_1d_classification_loss()
Downloading and preparing dataset glue/mrpc (download: 1.43 MiB, generated: 1.43 MiB, post-processed: Unknown size, total: 2.85 MiB) to /root/.cache/huggingface/datasets/glue/mrpc/1.0.0/dacbe3125aa31d7f70367a07a8a9e72a5a0bfeb5fc42e75c9db75b96da6053ad...
Dataset glue downloaded and prepared to /root/.cache/huggingface/datasets/glue/mrpc/1.0.0/dacbe3125aa31d7f70367a07a8a9e72a5a0bfeb5fc42e75c9db75b96da6053ad. Subsequent calls will reuse this data.
INFO:absl:Saving albert-base-v2 tokenizer to /tmp/tftransformers_tokenizer_cache/albert-base-v2
INFO:absl:Loading albert-base-v2 tokenizer to /tmp/tftransformers_tokenizer_cache/albert-base-v2/spiece.model
INFO:tensorflow:Using MirroredStrategy with devices ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0',)
INFO:tensorflow:Using MirroredStrategy with devices ('/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0',)
Wandb configuration¶
project = "TUTORIALS"
display_name = "mrpc_albert_base_v2"
wandb.init(project=project, name=display_name)
Accuracy Callback¶
import tqdm
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
METRICS = [tf.keras.metrics.Accuracy(name="accuracy", dtype=None)]
class AccuracyCallback:
def __init__(self, label_column: str, prediction_column: str) -> None:
self.label_column = label_column
self.prediction_column = prediction_column
self.metrics = METRICS
def __call__(self, trainer_kwargs):
validation_dataset_distributed = iter(
model = trainer_kwargs["model"]
wandb = trainer_kwargs["wandb"]
step = trainer_kwargs["global_step"]
strategy = trainer_kwargs["strategy"]
epoch = trainer_kwargs["epoch"]
epochs = trainer_kwargs["epochs"]
validation_steps = trainer_kwargs["validation_steps"]
if validation_dataset_distributed is None:
raise ValueError(
"No validation dataset has been provided either in the trainer class, \
or when callback is initialized. Please provide a validation dataset"
def validate_run(dist_inputs):
batch_inputs, batch_labels = dist_inputs
model_outputs = model(batch_inputs)
return tf.argmax(
model_outputs[self.prediction_column], axis=1
), tf.reduce_max(model_outputs[self.prediction_column], axis=1)
P_ids_flattened = []
O_ids_flattened = []
# This is a hack to make tqdm to print colour bar
# TODO: fix it .
pbar = tqdm.trange(validation_steps, colour="magenta", unit="batch")
for step_counter in pbar:
dist_inputs = next(validation_dataset_distributed)
predicted_ids, predicted_probs =
validate_run, args=(dist_inputs,)
predicted_ids = tf.concat(
predicted_probs = tf.concat(
# 1 in tuple of dist_inputs
batch_labels = dist_inputs[1]
original_ids = tf.squeeze(
metric_result = {}
for metric in self.metrics:
metric.update_state(original_ids, predicted_ids)
metric_result[] = metric.result().numpy()
"Callback: Epoch {}/{} --- Step {}/{} ".format(
epoch, epochs, step_counter, validation_steps
# Result over whole dataset and reset
metrics_result = {}
for metric in self.metrics:
metrics_result[] = metric.result().numpy()
if wandb:
wandb.log(metrics_result, step=step)
metrics_result['acc_sklearn'] = accuracy_score(O_ids_flattened, P_ids_flattened)
return metrics_result
Train :-)¶
accuracy_callback = AccuracyCallback(label_column='labels',
history =
INFO:absl:Make sure `steps_per_epoch` should be less than or equal to number of batches in dataset.
INFO:absl:Policy: ----> float32
INFO:absl:Strategy: ---> <tensorflow.python.distribute.mirrored_strategy.MirroredStrategy object at 0x7efd8496b650>
INFO:absl:Num GPU Devices: ---> 1
INFO:absl:Successful ✅✅: Model checkpoints matched and loaded from /root/.cache/huggingface/hub/tftransformers--albert-base-v2.main.999c3eeace9b4d2c3f2ad87aad4548b3b73ea3cc/ckpt-1
INFO:absl:Successful ✅: Loaded model from tftransformers/albert-base-v2
INFO:absl:Using linear optimization warmup
INFO:absl:Using Adamw optimizer
INFO:absl:No ❌❌ checkpoint found in MODELS/mrpc_albert_model
Train: Epoch 1/5 --- Step 100/458 --- total examples 0: 0%| | 0/4 [00:00<?, ?batch /s]
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/dense/kernel:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/dense/bias:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/LayerNorm/gamma:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/LayerNorm/beta:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/bias:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss`argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/dense/kernel:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/dense/bias:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/LayerNorm/gamma:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/LayerNorm/beta:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/bias:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss`argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/dense/kernel:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/dense/bias:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/LayerNorm/gamma:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/LayerNorm/beta:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/bias:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss`argument?
WARNING:tensorflow:Gradients do not exist for variables ['tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/dense/kernel:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/dense/bias:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/LayerNorm/gamma:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/LayerNorm/beta:0', 'tf_transformers/albert/mlm/transform/bias:0'] when minimizing the loss. If you're using `model.compile()`, did you forget to provide a `loss`argument?
Train: Epoch 1/5 --- Step 400/458 --- total examples 2400: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [01:03<00:00, 15.87s/batch , learning_rate=8.09e-6, loss=0.433]
INFO:absl:Model saved at epoch 1 at MODELS/mrpc_albert_model/ckpt-1
Validation: Epoch 1/5 --- Step 50/51 : 100%|██████████| 51/51 [00:05<00:00, 9.61batch /s, loss=0.36]
INFO:absl:Validation result at epcoh 1 and global step 400 is {'loss': 0.35959065}
INFO:absl:Callbacks in progress at epoch end 1 . . . .
Callback: Epoch 1/4 --- Step 50/51 : 100%|██████████| 51/51 [00:05<00:00, 9.52batch/s, accuracy=0.846]
INFO:absl:Callback score {'accuracy': 0.8455882, 'acc_sklearn': 0.8455882352941176} at epoch 1
Train: Epoch 2/5 --- Step 400/458 --- total examples 5600: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:50<00:00, 12.73s/batch , learning_rate=5.9e-6, loss=0.283]
INFO:absl:Model saved at epoch 2 at MODELS/mrpc_albert_model/ckpt-2
Validation: Epoch 2/5 --- Step 50/51 : 100%|██████████| 51/51 [00:03<00:00, 16.75batch /s, loss=0.782]
INFO:absl:Validation result at epcoh 2 and global step 800 is {'loss': 0.7824918}
INFO:absl:Callbacks in progress at epoch end 2 . . . .
Callback: Epoch 2/4 --- Step 50/51 : 100%|██████████| 51/51 [00:05<00:00, 9.59batch/s, accuracy=0.799]
INFO:absl:Callback score {'accuracy': 0.79901963, 'acc_sklearn': 0.7990196078431373} at epoch 2
Train: Epoch 3/5 --- Step 400/458 --- total examples 8800: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:50<00:00, 12.71s/batch , learning_rate=3.72e-6, loss=0.182]
INFO:absl:Model saved at epoch 3 at MODELS/mrpc_albert_model/ckpt-3
Validation: Epoch 3/5 --- Step 50/51 : 100%|██████████| 51/51 [00:03<00:00, 16.90batch /s, loss=0.551]
INFO:absl:Validation result at epcoh 3 and global step 1200 is {'loss': 0.55097103}
INFO:absl:Callbacks in progress at epoch end 3 . . . .
Callback: Epoch 3/4 --- Step 50/51 : 100%|██████████| 51/51 [00:05<00:00, 9.47batch/s, accuracy=0.873]
INFO:absl:Callback score {'accuracy': 0.872549, 'acc_sklearn': 0.8725490196078431} at epoch 3
Train: Epoch 4/5 --- Step 400/458 --- total examples 12000: 100%|██████████| 4/4 [00:50<00:00, 12.72s/batch , learning_rate=1.54e-6, loss=0.135]
INFO:absl:Model saved at epoch 4 at MODELS/mrpc_albert_model/ckpt-4
Validation: Epoch 4/5 --- Step 50/51 : 100%|██████████| 51/51 [00:03<00:00, 16.79batch /s, loss=0.659]
INFO:absl:Validation result at epcoh 4 and global step 1600 is {'loss': 0.65918666}
INFO:absl:Callbacks in progress at epoch end 4 . . . .
Callback: Epoch 4/4 --- Step 50/51 : 100%|██████████| 51/51 [00:05<00:00, 9.60batch/s, accuracy=0.87]
INFO:absl:Callback score {'accuracy': 0.87009805, 'acc_sklearn': 0.8700980392156863} at epoch 4
Visualize Tensorboard¶
%load_ext tensorboard
%tensorboard --logdir MODELS/mrpc_albert_model/logs
Save and Serialize Model¶
# Save serialized version of the model
# Note: Ignore checkpoint warnings, it is because we save optimizer with checkpoint
# while we restoring, we take only model.
model = model_fn()
Model Serialization (Production)¶
# Load serialized model
loaded = tf.saved_model.load("{}/saved_model/".format(model_checkpoint_dir))
model = loaded.signatures['serving_default']
# Lets evaluate accuracy and see whether it matches the callback
accuracy_metric = tf.keras.metrics.Accuracy('accuracy')
for (batch_inputs, batch_labels) in tqdm.tqdm(validation_dataset):
model_outputs = model(**batch_inputs)
predicted_ids = tf.argmax(model_outputs['class_logits'], axis=1)
label_ids = batch_labels['labels']
accuracy_metric.update_state(label_ids, predicted_ids)
print("Validation Accuracy", accuracy_metric.result().numpy())
51it [00:02, 17.60it/s]
Validation Accuracy 0.87009805
Advanced Serialization (Include pre-processing with models)¶
# Advanced serialzation
from tf_transformers.core import ClassificationChainer
model = model_fn()
# Serialize tokenizer and model together
tokenizer_layer = AlbertTokenizerTFText.from_pretrained(
model_name, add_special_tokens=True, max_length=max_seq_len, dynamic_padding=True, truncate=True
model = ClassificationChainer(tokenizer_layer.get_model(), model)
model = model.get_model() # get_model will return tf.keras.Model , nothing fancy
model.save_serialized('{}/saved_model_text_model/'.format(model_checkpoint_dir)) # Do not use `model_transformers_serialzed` here
Load the model + Check Accuracy¶
The accuracy of the validation data matches, mean our pre-processing is right.
This also avoids pre-processing skew and make deployment easier.
# Load jointly serialized model
loaded = tf.saved_model.load("{}/saved_model_text_model/".format(model_checkpoint_dir))
model = loaded.signatures['serving_default']
# Now lets evaluate accuracy again
# This time, we have to provide only raw text, model will be tokenizing it internally
# Create a validation dataset
validation_text_dataset = []
validation_labels = []
for item in dataset['validation']:
validation_text_dataset.append(item['sentence1'] + ' ' + item['sentence2'])
validation_text_dataset ={'text': validation_text_dataset},
{'labels': validation_labels})
# Evaluate accuracy
accuracy_metric = tf.keras.metrics.Accuracy('accuracy')
for (batch_inputs, batch_labels) in tqdm.tqdm(validation_text_dataset):
model_outputs = model(**batch_inputs)
predicted_ids = tf.argmax(model_outputs['class_logits'], axis=1)
label_ids = batch_labels['labels']
accuracy_metric.update_state(label_ids, predicted_ids)
print("Validation Accuracy", accuracy_metric.result().numpy())
100%|██████████| 51/51 [00:01<00:00, 25.63it/s]
Validation Accuracy 0.87009805